AC real power calculator
Online calculator for formulas used in electronic circuit design and electrical engineering.
Basic electric calculations:
Ohm's Law,
Ohm's Law with power,
DC power,
AC real power,
LC resonant frequency,
Capacitor charging/discharging,
Capacitive reactance,
Capacitive current + reactive power,
Capacitor energy,
Capacitor Δ energy,
RC discharging,
Inductor square pulse,
Inductive reactance,
Inductive current + reactive power,
Inductor energy,
2 parallel resistors,
3 parallel resistors,
2 parallel inductors,
2 series capacitors,
System bandwidth,
Bandwidth ↔ rise time,
frequency ↔ period
Wire and winding calculations:
Calculate AC real power: 230V, 4A, 0.5PF, W
Using this calculation, you can calculate the real (active) power of an AC load knowing the voltage, current and power factor (cos phi).
You can also calculate the current knowing the power, voltage and power factor,
calculate the voltage knowing the power, current and power factor, or calculate the power factor knowing the power, current and voltage.
P=V.I.cosφ I=P/(V.cosφ) V=P/(I.cosφ) cosφ=P/(V.I)
Enter 3 values, the empty 4th one will be calculated:
Some common AC voltages:
AC real power formula says:
• When an AC load draws 4A (four amps) current at 230V (two hundred and thirty volts) voltage, with a 0.5 (zero point five) power factor, it's real (active) power input is 460W (four hundred and sixty watts).
• If a 230V (two hundred and thirty volts) load draws 460W (four hundred and sixty watts) power and its power factor cos φ is 0.5 (zero point five), its current consumption is 4A (four amps).
• When a load runs at 4A (four amps) current at 460W (four hundred and sixty watts) power input and has 0.5 (zero point five) power factor, its working voltage is 230V (two hundred and thirty volts).
• When a 460W (four hundred and sixty watts) AC load draws 4A (four amps) current at 230V (two hundred and thirty volts), its power factor is 0.5 (zero point five).
This is a simple online calculator for formulas used in electronic engineering and design.
This online calculator is for reference only. I do not guarantee it to work correctly. You use this at your own risk only.